Options to protect full size images?

I dont want to have my full images online. But I'm not sure how to protect them besides the small water mark. Can you implement an option for the biggest size allowed, or make a way to increase the watermark?

Maybe a percentage of the largest size over a certain amount. Say the image is 1280x1024, you could tell it not to allow anything bigger than 800x600 or perhaps 75% of the image, whatever it hits last? That way a small image that is 320x240 would be allowed to seen fully.

I'm not what would be best, just throwing ideas out there for the best image gallery app in the universe! :)


  • 1. You can create a watermark of whatever size and content you wish. Just create a PNG 24 image and store it in the zp-core/watermarks folder of your installation. Then select it as your watermark image in admin image display options.

    2. You can also change the size of your default image, also in the admin options. (Be aware that this may cause some themes to look badly.)

    3. You can remove the link to the full image from your theme's image.php page.

    You should note that unless you put some browser security on the albums folder or rename it, or [most secure] move it outside the zenphoto installation, it will be possible for people to guess a URL to the full image anyway if they are familiar with zenphoto. This last option is not for the feint of heart.
  • I thought of a fourth option: set the image quality way low on the full image. Also in the image display options.
  • The forth option isnt a good one, because if the image is small I dont care if people steal it. But I dont want people to have too large a version of the image.

    Perhaps the watermark should scale to the size of the image? Or maybe you could add a maximum size option?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What about just uploading pictures of that size that you need on your site? That would solve the full image problem, because the size image shown on image.php would be the full size image (and as a side effect, zenphoto won't scale any images that matches the size set in the options)
  • If I resize images before putting them in zenphoto, it almost nullifies the reason to use this great app. I'm thinking a maximum size option is the way to go, its what Plogger does.
  • Speaking of watermarking, why is there (2008-02-08 nightly) no longer a wartermark on preview images? In 2008-02-07 nightly there was one.
  • Looks like something got broken. I will check it out.
  • Yup, typographical error. Will be fixed shortly.
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