I just installed the new beta, and I am glad that it now works in sub-domains without any hacking.
However, on my server, I get a little weird behaviour, so if someone could help with the following path issue, I would much appreciate it.
I have an image gallery here:
http://www.littlesnappers.com.au/showcaseWith my current server set up, this domain is an add-on domain to my primary account, and as such, appears as a sub-domain under my primary account.
As such, it is available under the following address also:
http://littlesnappers.chiefcodemonkey.com/showcase/Is there a way to set the paths so that it will only display the address at:
http://www.littlesnappers.com.au/showcase/ ?
at least thats always been my understanding
anything to do with admin related features, it takes me back to the chiefcodemonkey url.
It is most definately a paths issue.
// functions.php - HEADERS NOT SENT YET!
/*comment out this bit
if (strstr(basename(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])), "zen")) {
define('WEBPATH', dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])));
} else {
define('WEBPATH', dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
define('WEBPATH', '/showcase');
Mine would not work until I did this!