wrote this function so if you type a word in the image description that is a tag it becomes a link to all the other occurences of this tag.
`function getImageDesc() {
if(!in_context(ZP_IMAGE)) return false;
global $_zp_current_image;
$desc = str_replace("rn", "n", $_zp_current_image->getDesc());
$result = query_full_array("SELECT `tags` FROM ". prefix('images'));
foreach($result as $row){
$alltags = $alltags.$row['tags'].",";
$result = query_full_array("SELECT `tags` FROM ". prefix('albums'));
foreach($result as $row){
$alltags = $alltags.$row['tags'].",";
$alltags = explode(",",$alltags);
$alltags = array_unique( $alltags);
foreach($alltags as $tag){
$desc=str_replace($tag, $replace, $desc);
return str_replace("n", "
", $desc);