function getCustomImage changed ?

Has function getCustomImage($size, $width, $height, $cropw, $croph, $cropx, $cropy, $thumbStandin=false) changed any ?


  • I used to be able to get a nicely cropped long image with but this doesn't work well with portrait mode photos anymore which get resize too short with getCustomImage(1000, 620, 180, 620, 180, 300, 300).
  • There is a bug in 1.1.4, fixed in the nightly build.
  • Really, should it be fixed in ?
  • Yes.
  • Hmmm, it seems not.

    getCustomImage(1000, 610, 180, 610, 180, 100, 100

    from an image that's creates an image that's 407px x 180px from an original that's 684px x 1024px. Its URL if it helps is:

    http://localhost:8888/zenphoto/cache/Portfolio 2003/187C0530_faded.jpg_610_cw610_ch180_cx100_cy100.jpg
  • You shouldn't be setting all the parameters.
    from the i.php description of how these work:

    * s - size (logical): Based on config, makes an image of "size s."
    * h - height (explicit): Image is always h pixels high, w is calculated.
    * w - width (explicit): Image is always w pixels wide, h is calculated.
    * cw - crop width: crops the image to cw pixels wide.
    * ch - crop height: crops the image to ch pixels high.
    * cx - crop x position: the x (horizontal) position of the crop area.
    * cy - crop y position: the y (vertical) position of the crop area.
    * q - JPEG quality (1-100): sets the quality of the resulting image.
    * t - Set for custom images if used as thumbs (no watermarking.)
    * - cx and cy are measured from the top-left corner of the _scaled_ image.
    * - One of s, h, or w _must_ be specified; the others are optional.
    * - If more than one of s, h, or w are specified, s takes priority, then w+h:
    * - If both w and h are given, the image is resized to shortest side, then
    * cropped on the remaining dimension. Image output will always be WxH.
    * - If none of s, h, or w are specified, the original image is returned.

    here is how stopdesign handles portrait/landscape images:

    ` <?php<br />
    $ls = isLandscape();

    if (!$ls) {

    $s = getDefaultWidth();

    $h = getDefaultHeight();

    $r = 480/$h;

    $s = round($r*$s)+22;

    $wide = "style=\"width:".$s."px;\"";

    } else {

    $wide = '';




    <?php if ($show = !checkForPassword()) { ?>

    <?php printCustomSizedImage(getImageTitle(), null, $ls?480:null, $ls?null:480); ?>

    <?php } ?>`
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