Album Password - But Random image should show

I have passwords on every subalbum.
In the main view there is only a icon with questionmark instead of a random image from the subalbum.

I think this is because all subalbums are password protected.
But how can I change this behavior to dispaly always a random image from the subalbums?


  • You will have to create your own version of the random image function. The standard one will not show password protected items.
  • Thanks, can you please write down in which file this function is?
  • I do not understand. I believe I said you would have to create such a function. If you are asking that one of us write it for you, please visit the paid support link on our WEB pages.
  • Thanks for the info, but I don't wanted that you code it for me.
    I want to change it on my installation.
    But I needed the file with the function who is checking the password on the random images for albums.

    I've found it now in class_album.php, function getAlbumThumbImage and changed it.

    My next problem is the "latest images".
    The same problem only public images are shown, but I want to show also the private as latest images.

    But as of now I didn't find the right php/class file to remove the password check.

    Where is the "latest images" function located?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    latest images is part of the image_album_statistics plugin. In any case you need to create your own custom functions either via custom plugins or your themes functions.php. Otherwise you will have to re-apply your changes with any Zenphoto update.
  • As just a side note (in case anyone references this thread), the StopDesign theme uses it's own function in the index.php so that the random images / recent images works even without image_album_statistics plugin turned on. It's not advised, but if you are writing your own function anyway you could either use image_album_statistics as a base to go by the plugin architecture or just use the StopDesign function for the base of your new function and modify it as a "quick and dirty" fix.
  • Thanks for the information.
    I will have a look at it.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    image_album_statistics has indeed a random option. But all official themes that use random images don't use it but the randomimages functions linked above.
  • Thanks for the clarification, Acrylian. Much appreciated! :)
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