Warning Error

When I want to upload a photo it doesn't work I have this message :

Warning: unlink(/homepages/45/d210029744/htdocs/albums/vie-religieuse/Concert FestiLyon .JPG) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /homepages/45/d210029744/htdocs/zp-core/class-image.php on line 414

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/45/d210029744/htdocs/zp-core/class-image.php:414) in /homepages/45/d210029744/htdocs/zp-core/admin.php on line 306


Please help me find a solution
thank you very much


  • Somehow you have not got all the zenphoto files uploaded on your server. This file (class-image.php) is part of the zp-core files.
  • trisweb Administrator
    That's not the error, nevermind sbillard's message.

    There's actually an issue with the file you've uploaded, it can't find it.

    Are you actually trying to *delete* an image? The only place that operation in the error message happens is on image delete.
  • yes I am trying to delete an image but it doesn"t work I have blank photo in stead
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