on line 849 of the template functions file
it is:
printLink(WEBPATH . '/admin/?page=editcomment&id=' . $_zp_current_comment['id'], $text, $title, $class, $id);
it should be:
printLink(WEBPATH . '/zen/admin.php?page=editcomment&id=' . $_zp_current_comment['id'], $text, $title, $class, $id);
great program, keep up the great work.
on line 786 of admin.php it looks like this:
. (zp_conf("mod_rewrite") ? "../$album/$image" : "../image.php?album=".urlencode($album)."&image=".urlencode($image))
this doesnt work for me, and when using the gallery i found it works best when ths line is like this:
. (zp_conf("mod_rewrite") ? "../$album/$image" : "../index.php?album=".urlencode($album)."&image=".urlencode($image))
I had the same problem wich was 'caused by another etc.