howto exit search context?

I have this problem..

I find an image by searching tags.. looking at this image page the breadcrumb is in the search.
in this images description there is a link to another image..clicking on this link does correctly show the image but the breadcrumb stays in the search context.

first image in this tag search:

contains a link named test in its description to an image in another album but as you see the breadcrumb stays in the context of the search


  • This is a bug, but it may be difficult to fix.

    The only way to exit search context is to clear the cookie. This happens if you click on an album, but not on an image (because that's how you got to the image from the search page.)
  • In researching this I realize that the behavior you are describing is probably the intended behavior. The next/prev buttons of an image reched via clicking on a search image thumb should be the next/prev images of the search.
  • yes. the next prev buttons should as they do stay within the search.
    what I meant was the link in the image description that points to an image outside the search in my example: the test link

    and it is indeed not as simple by deleting the cookie with

    `zp_setCookie ("zenphoto_image_search_params", "", time() - 3600, "/");`

    `print_r($_COOKIE);` shows that the cookie gets emptied but this has no effect on the breadcrumb
  • What is the test link supposed to point to? What function did you use to generate it?

    You can try the nightly build on this. I have mades some changes to the cookie handling which might fix the problem.
  • Hi, I was busy for a while andjust checked out the latest nightly build:
    the cookie handling has changed and the search works different as I noticed using the last nightly build and the stopdesign theme.

    so FYI

    what I noticed that if you do a search and go to the prev/next images you indeed browse trough the search results but since the cookie has been cleared or something else the numbering of the search results is now incorrect. it shows the number of the found picture as the #th picture of the total pictures of teh album this picture belongs to. so for eg 4 found images while browsing trough them you'll can see things like; 1 of 5, 2 of 12, 3 of 15, 4 of 1 instead 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4
    search results.

    and more a problem for myself as soon as I upgrade to the latest build

    in my own theme were I show thumbs on the image page, the thumbs alongside the found images now show the the other thumbs in the album insteas of the other found images thumbs.. obvious off course since the $images has been cleared.

    also my conditional albumlink on the image page`

    if (in_context(ZP_SEARCH)) {?>found in album:

    "><?php printAlbumTitle(true);?><?php}?>`

    does not show up anymore as I use on my search like here:(didn't upgrade this installation)

  • The search context no longer is set except for the actual search page. The proper new test to see if you are processing a serach image is `if (!is_null($_zp_current_search)) {`

    I will have to look into the image number thing. Probably just a place that was overlooked and is not aware it is in a search result.
  • sbillard, thanks again!

    with code below I've been able to get the imagethumbs of searched images on the image page while in search and other things work fine now with the latest build except for the number thingy, thanks again!

    `<?php<br />
    if (!is_null($_zp_current_search)) {


    foreach( $images as $image ){



    echo "image";

  • Thanks for the reminder :) about the number thingy. I think I have fixed it in tonight's nightly.
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