Hi everyone,
I hope someone out there can help me! I'm having a problem with the zenphoto as a ‘plug-in’ hack. I've got the code set up and working like so:
<?php<br />
define('ZENFOLDER', 'zp-core');
define('WEBPATH', '../gallery');
require_once(WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/template-functions.php");
printRandomImages(4, null, 'album');
The page is here:
http://communications.uwaterloo.ca/events/billgates/there should be a footer underneath the included zen photos but I can't get it to show up. It's just a standard php include. If you look at the source you can see the footer comment where the include should appear.
I've tried all sorts of possible configurations but haven't been able to get this to work. Any help???
<?php include("../../inc/UWfooter.html");?>
When the page loads it seems to get stuck at that. I've tried moving the first three lines of the zenhoto hack up to the top of the document and it seems to cut off any includes after that.
I have to post this page for tomorrow so I've created a backup of the problem in action here:
I can even copy and paste the include for the header that works at the top of the page and it won't work after the zenphoto stuff. Really weird.
Thanks for helping!