I have multi languages set up and they work fine.
The thing is that it doesn't show in the url
For example the link will be zen/en/ but on the browser bar it will revert to zen/
The correct language still comes up but the displayed url is not the same as the link
Is this how it is supposed to be?
and default is HTTP_Accept_language
The languages come up fine but the url is redirected so there is no language prefix.
How can this help search engines if there is no prefix and the 2 language versions are redirected to the same url?
Even with english as default language the url is still redirected. Surely this will be bad for search engines
if you have a link `mydomain/en/album` and one `mydomain/album` the search optimizers will consider that they are multiple links to the same item and will not index them. Since th latter link is always present, we supress the former.
Would you like us to generate a 404 error if someone links using the `en` prefix? If so please submit a feature request issue. As to the redirection--that is how this feature works, there is no page with the language in it, so redirection is the only way to get the page to display.
Is your site `multi-lingual` option set? If not sitemap does not know to create multiple links for each language.
Thanks for you reply. I thought maybe it would be possible to have mydomain/en/album and mydomain/sk/album.
If it will be just mydomain/album then how can google know that there are 2 seperate pages like one for english and one for slovak?
My site has multi-lingual option on. How should the sitemap display the pages? for example will it show them just as mydomain/en/album and mydomain/sk/album or just mydomain/album?
If the url is the same for both versions of languages then i cant' see how google can know there are 2 different versions.
Also if the sitemap does show both version of languages but they redirect to the same domain would that not be a problem for google?
The `dynamic-locale` plugin is required also to have sitemap generate multiple language versions of the urls.
mod rewrite ticked plus multi-lingual with 2 languages ticked.
Still no multiple language versions created in the sitemaps :-(
Any other ideas to get this working?
IF you haven't yet please read this tutorial:
I have followed that tutorial exactly.
I have just done another install and followed every possible instruction and still the sitemap does not generate multiple language versions of the urls.
I have installed a test here: http://www.dazzy.eu/zenphoto/
sitemaps here: http://www.dazzy.eu/zenphoto/index.php?sitemap
I've been trying every possibility for hours and still can't get it to work.
I have just downloaded and installed zenphoto-2012-12-07-trunk.zip
Still the sitemap does not generate multiple language versions of the urls.
I have a test here http://dazzy.eu/zenphoto-2012-12-07/
sitemaps here: http://dazzy.eu/zenphoto-2012-12-07/index.php?sitemap
I have made a user profile so you can see the settings i have made
user: admin2
password: adminpass
After a lot of trial and error switching off and on several plugins i found that when i switched off the 'security-logger' plugin that the sitemap generated multiple language versions and worked. When i switched the security-logger back on it stopped working. Seems the security-logger plugin is stopping the sitemap working properly
I tryed other versions of zenphoto and switching off security logger makes no difference and with those version i can't get sitemap to work at all with multilingual links.
I checked for error logs with my host when having security logger switched on and off and as well using sitemap and there are none.
I am really lost what the problem is exactly.
I see that acrylian said it only worked for him with the latest nightly build but not older ones so there is maybe a problem somewhere. Was that working with security logger on?
I have a test here http://dazzy.eu/zenphoto-2012-12-07/
album sitemap here: http://dazzy.eu/zenphoto-2012-12-07/cache_html/sitemap/sitemap-zenphoto-albums-1.xml
login details
user: admin2
password: adminpass
So if there is no error anywhere I have no idea.
[Sat Dec 08 21:19:43 2012] [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at http-error.cgi line 73.
[Sat Dec 08 21:47:02 2012] [error] [client] mod_mime_magic: can't read `/home/sites/dazzy.eu/public_html/zen-photo/zp-core/admin-logs.php', referer: http://www.dazzy.eu/zen-photo/zp-core/admin-logs.php?page=logs
[Sat Dec 08 21:47:07 2012] [error] [client] mod_mime_magic: can't read `/home/sites/dazzy.eu/public_html/zen-photo/zp-core/admin-logs.php', referer: http://www.dazzy.eu/zen-photo/zp-core/admin-logs.php?action=clear_log&page=logs&tab=security&filename=security&XSRFToken=ccb38fb7bccb97c6e48e6b715194a79e6c849109
[Sat Dec 08 21:50:55 2012] [error] [client] mod_mime_magic: can't read `/home/sites/dazzy.eu/public_html/zen-photo/zp-core/admin-logs.php', referer: http://www.dazzy.eu/zen-photo/zp-core/zp-extensions/sitemap-extended/sitemap-extended-admin.php?generatesitemaps&number=26
Thanks for your reply
I contacted my host and reinstalled zenphoto and we went through it together. We sorted out some errors by changing the permissions of the setup.log file in zp-data. After reinstalling and trying out again with multiple languages i still have the sitemap problem.
The host told me to refer back to you with the following quote:
'I would liase directly with the developers, If it's something amiss with the software, it's going to be them that is able to resolve it. There must be some correlation between the security logger and the sitemap feature and they would know this.'
I had the following errors this time in log if it helps:
[Sun Dec 09 16:58:45 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: fopen(SERVERPATH/zp-data/debug.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/dazzy.eu/public_html/zen-photo-test/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 1024
[Sun Dec 09 16:58:45 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: Missing argument 1 for reconfigureAction(), called in /home/sites/dazzy.eu/public_html/zen-photo-test/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 104 and defined in /home/sites/dazzy.eu/public_html/zen-photo-test/zp-core/reconfigure.php on line 11
[Sun Dec 09 16:58:45 2012] [error] [client] PHP Warning: fopen(SERVERPATH/zp-data/debug.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/dazzy.eu/public_html/zen-photo-test/zp-core/functions-basic.php on line 1024
I also installed zenphoto on my pc using xampp and also had the same issue with the sitemap.
Do you have any suggestions what the problem could be?
It is all working for me on MAMP as said. I cannot test XAMPP but sbillard is testing on windows (I think WAMP though) so I will have to pass on this. Maybe he has any idea.
DO you have log files? That is, can you see them with FTP? If so you are having read permissions issues. If not you are having file create permissions issues. If Zenphoto is not allowed to do its job it may not do it well.
Do you mean the log files in zp-data? If so yes i have those. The file permissions are set to 600. I set those manually. I don't have any more errors as above but still sitemap not working with security_Logger switched on.
The only errors i have at the moment are as below
[Sun Dec 09 20:51:29 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/sites/dazzy.eu/public_html/favicon.ico
[Sun Dec 09 20:51:29 2012] [error] [client] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at http-error.cgi line 73.
Please try modifying the `zp-core/global-definitions.php` file changing the next to last define (`DEBUG_PLUGINS`) from false to true. This will record the loading sequence of plugins to the debug log. Maybe that will tell us something.
If you mean the install at http://dazzy.eu/zenphoto-2012-12-07/
I managed to get the sitemap working with securitylogger off using seo_locale and subdomains switched off as you can see here on sitemap:
I changed the last debug_plugins to true
Hopefully you can find the problem there