A predefined image for a protected album ?


Is it possible to predefine an image like a Padlocks to illustrate a protected album instead of a photo from the album.

Thanks !


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I believe currently not, but that is a good idea.
  • i'm seeking to do it myself and post the code but, i seek a function that return is the album is protected or not in order to modify printAlbumThumbImage()

    edit :

    In printAlbumThumbImage() you need to add :

    if (empty($pwd)){
    // The AlbumThumbImage.
    echo "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars(getAlbumThumb()) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($alt, ENT_QUOTES) . "\"" .
    (($class) ? " class=\"$class\"" : "") .
    (($id) ? " id=\"$id\"" : "") . " />";
    // A padlocks icon.
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