Chili-Light2 / light box not displaying close button

Hi, Can anyone help me?

I'm creating a theme for Zenphoto and to use the lightbox.js I started to hack apart the Chili-Light2 theme to see how it worked. The theme is coming along OK but I can't get the close button to show when I use the lightbox. Most annoying.

I've downloaded Chili-Light2 and tried it un-modified but it still won't work. I have tried adding ../ before the 'themes/Windows Are Us Custom Theme/images/close.gif' as suggested else where but it didn't work for me.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this to work? If anyone can help it would be much appreciated!

The gallery is here:

You may be greeted by either Chilli-Light2 or my custom theme. Neither work!



  • It is not displaying the loading image either.

    Many people forget to do this but you need to look in
    at lines 60 and 61
    and make sure your paths are correct. The default is:

    When I browse to those locations on your site I come up with nothing. Make sure those files are in there in that location.
  • Thinks for the reply.

    I didn't realsise I had to put the full path in. If I link using '"' the image loads. Thank you.

    Is there away for it to reference the theme file without the full path? The css and .js seem to do it.

    Again, thanks for the pointer.
  • you shouldnt have to put in the full path. just the relative path from where the page gets called (so the zenphoto root) When I made this theme zenphoto was only on like version .9. I havent updated it since. I can take a look at it with the latest version at somepoint this weekend.
  • I had the same problem initially, but upon inspection of my lightbox.js file found that the required paths WERE in place, but that the "default" is, in fact, incorrect.

    just changing mine to

    "/themes/chili-light2/images/close.gif" instead of
    "themes/Chili-Light2/images/close.gif" worked. Apparently slashies and capitalization are important...?

    edited to add: lovely theme, very nice work, and a huge thank you!
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