Flickr Notes Function

I was wondering if there has been a function added or if it can be added to any theme like the Flickr Notes feature? I think that'd be a very interesting feature to add!


  • hmmm that's something I tried to install sometimes already...

    also saw your name on the forom i guess it's the rightplace to ask

    my fnclient folder is in the zenphoto directory;

    on my image php i have:



    `<?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle(),"fn-<br />
    image",getFullImageURL()); ?>`

    and in my fnclient.js:

    `var fnServerPath = "/zenphoto/fnclient/";

    var fnServerFotonotesScript = "fotonotes.php";

    var fnServer = fnServerPath + fnServerFotonotesScript;



    var imageFileSrc = "id";`

    any idea what i'm missing?
  • I haven't seen any theme with this. Why don't you submit a feature ticket for it?
  • got it working, I will post an howto on monday but you can have a preview here.

    i only enabled it for images tagged as fotonotes so at the moment the fotonotes only show up on these
  • had some spare time...

    so here's how Implemented fotosnotes in the default zenphoto theme like here:

    - download FNClient-0.6.0 fotonotes at:
    - untar it and rename the folder to 'fnclient'
    - open the file fnclient.js in the directory fnclient/fnclientlib/js
    - in this file change the folowing lines like this

    `var fnServerPath = "../";`


    `var fnServerPath = "/zenphoto/fnclient/";`


    `var imageFileSrc = "src";`


    `var imageFileSrc = "id";`

    - open the file fnclient.css in the directory fnclient/fnclientlib/styles
    and change:

    `.fn-canvas {

    position: relative;

    border: 0px solid #ddd;}`


    `.fn-canvas {

    position: relative;

    margin:0px auto;

    border: 0px solid #ddd;}`

    this has to be done because the fotonotes image is an image that is loaded after the original image
    has been loaded but since it has it's own class it needs to be styled in the fotonotes css to keep the default theme layout

    - now upload the fnclient folder in your zenphoto directory.assuming zenphoto is installed in the folder 'zenphoto' on your server

    - put the following lines at the top in the head section of the default theme image php. Assuming zenphoto is installed in the folder 'zenphoto' on your server;



    - replace the this line in the image php;



    <?php printDefaultSizedImage(getImageTitle(),"fn-image",getDefaultSizedImage());?>

    because on a fotonoted image you have to be able to click to edit the notes the fullimage link has to be removed from the image and placed at the bottom

    it should work now..

    you only have to style the fnclient.css some more to get the input fields as you want them
  • ow..
    and in the file fn_config.php in folder fnclient also add your mysql table data

    $MYSQL_SERVER = 'localhost';
    $MYSQL_USERNAME = 'xxxxx';
    $MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'xxxxx;
    $MYSQL_DBNAME = 'xxxxx;
  • it can be interesting to forbid editing notes when you are not logged as "Admin".
  • Hi Greg.thats not difficult. the class for the edit (or delete, hide. add ) span can be overridden in the image.php by adding something like this.

    `if (zp_loggedin()){;}else{

    echo " span.fn-controlbar-edit-inactive { left:155px;

    display:hidden;}span.fn-controlbar-edit-active {

  • I tried to get this to work, but was unsuccessful.

    Once you configure your MySQL database, what additional rows did you add to your existing database?
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