Ratings bug(s) 1.1.4

Example page: http://zp.damnit.org/2008-02/1171307898-1170393547206.b.jpg.php

When you use IE7 you can't click a star to rate the image at all. If you rate an image in FF and then view the page in IE7 the stars are not aligned.

When you use FF v2.0.0.12 you can click and rate an image but it doesn't instantly show the new star rating you just gave it, you have to refresh. This is also the way it works in IE7. I'm guessing these are all javascript problems because I have the same problem in the cimi theme as I do with the default stock untouched ZenPhoto theme.

Is anyone else seeing this?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, the IE is a "special" browers in many ways. Do you have the rating.css and rating.js included in your theme?
    It is quite possible that there is a conflict between the extra JS/CSS of the cimi theme and the rating.
    Please note that the cimi theme is a third party theme, that we are not able to support officially.

    As for the none refreshing in FF that is most likely a JS issue and has been there all the time (The js part of these function is an adaption of a free script).

    EDIT: The none refreshing stars were indeed a bug. It will be corrected tonights nightly build.
  • I know it's unsupported but I really suck when it comes to JS. I'll try and figure out why you can't always rate something in FF but IE seems to work more often. If I get it I'll post a fix. Thank for taking a look at the problem with refreshing stars!
  • trisweb Administrator
    Excellent! That fixed the bug for me as well. It's checked in and will be in tonight's nightly build in 40 minutes.

    Thanks, that 'patch' did just fine. If you want to submit a patch in the future you can use the bugtracker at http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/newticket , or just attach it to the existing ticket if you find it.

    There are tutorials for making patches online, but for a small fix like that even just describing it worked for me. Thanks again.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Great, thanks, sometime you look a thousand times a those things and just don't notice them.
  • Hello folks. I've got a problem with the rating as well. If I use the default theme and the IE Browser, the stars aren't correctly aligned, depending which text-size i choose. No problem with firefox though. Any idea how i could fix this?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    IE6 or 7? IE6 is different... Rating has its own CSS file, located zp-core/plugins/rating, you could try to adjust it. And please try the nightly build where the above mentioned issues are fixed.
  • Hello acrylian. Thank you for the tipp. sbillard just wrote, that the zp 1.1.5 might be around the corner. So I'll wait and see, if this problem still appeears. If it's the same thing I guess might take a look at the rating css file.

    greets, jim

    P.S. I use IE 6
  • I just upgraded to 1.1.5 and the star-alignment issue with IE6 and IE7 still exists. I've tried and tried to figure it out and I'm sure your right about it being a CSS issue but it's really challenging me. I can't seem to figure it out. *glares at IE*
  • Got the same problem with IE 6 , unfortunately. As soon as i want to to make a second rating, the already highlighted stars are somewhat off position.

    Does somebody have a solution for this? Would be very much appreciated.

  • Guys, I am not able to replicate any problem with the ratings.

    Ive tried in IE6, IE7, FF2, and Safari 3....all behave exactly the same for me on the first and second vote.

    Is this happening on the default setup with default theme, or are you customizing the rating in any way like positioning?

    Please make sure you are including zp-core/plugins/rating/rating.css if you are using a custom theme.
  • I, too, cannot reproduce this problem. Be sure that you have cleaned out all older zenphoto files before you upload the new release. Before the fix, I was able to reproduce it, after the fix it works.
  • OK Guys let's fix this :-).

    I'm using the default steril light theme with some adjustments.

    Withe firefox 2.0 the rating works fine, but not with IE 6. Just after i rate the picture the hightlighted stars move off position:

    Here the source code of my image.php file:

    <?php<br />
    if (getImageEXIFData()) {echo "";

    printImageMetadata('', false);



    <?php printTags('links', '<strong>Tags: ', 'taglist', ''); ?>

    <?php printImageMap(); ?>

    <?php if (getOption('Allow_ratings')) { printImageRating(); }?>

    <?php if (getOption('Allow_comments')) { ?>

    <?php $num = getCommentCount(); echo ($num == 0) ? "" : ("<h3>Comments ($num)
    "); ?>

    <?php while (next_comment()){ ?>


    I pretty much left that alone, just a little change in Position ("image info" before rating).

    Then the CSS part (didn't toucht the rating.css), but i added a #rating in the default theme:


    #rating {

    padding: 5px;

    border-top: 1px solid #9C3;

    border-right: 1px solid #9C3;

    border-left: 1px solid #9C3;



    That's it. I hope someone get's my faux pas, 'cause I'don't seem to be able to find it.

    Many thanks, Jim.

  • Sorry to bump it guys, but unfortunately I couldn't find a solution by myself. Maybe someone else encountered the same problem an has solved it?

    Greetings, Jim
  • ok folks, solved the problem. changed the rating.ccs


    .star-rating li.current-rating{

    background: url(alt_star.png) left center;

    position: absolute;

    height: 25px;

    display: block;

    text-indent: -9000px;

    z-index: 1;





    .star-rating li.current-rating{

    background: url(alt_star.png) left center;

    height: 25px;

    display: block;

    text-indent: -9000px;

    z-index: 1;



    see ya' around.
  • Great! That fixed it for me to! Thanks Jim!
  • Jim's bug fix really should be applied to the trunk, it fixed all my rating-star-alignment problems.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, was forgotten, since we were not able to reproduced the problem at all (see above), I will test if it breaks anything in other browsers and if not it gets in.
  • im kind of lost here. is the rating system part of zenphoto's? or is it 3rd party? i dont see any link posted to where we can get the rating script. i would like to have this in my zenphoto as well. thanks
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