Random Thumbnail ?


I have the ZenPhoto all set up and I'm over the moon with it. A freakin' genius at the controls on this one!

1) However, I wonder if I can easily display a random thumbnail in my sidebar. I looked into something called 'ZenShow', but couldn't get it working.

2) And is there a way I can add photos within WordPress to the gallery, rather than go to the 'zenphoto' sub-directory, and login again?
Not sure if a plugin has been made for this.

3) Oh, also, when in a page showing the single image, but NOT in full size, it overlaps onto my next column. Is there a way to change the default size for displaying the 'middle' image(not thumb, not full size).

4) And finally, how can I keep my "dynamic areas" dynamic in my ZenPhoto. I am using the template I made for WP in ZP, but can't seem to use INCLUDES :( Can anyone help me with this. I tried using an INCLUDE for my navigation, but it didn't want anything to do with my wp_list_pages() function.

A beast of a first post I know, but I'm sure you folks can help me out :)

Many thanks in advance.


  • #1. There are several possibilities depending on what exactly you want to do. Check out the zenphoto as a plugin in the hacks section and the Wordpress plugins at http://www.zenphoto.org/category/Extensions/

    #2. I haven't seen any plugin to Wordpress that would do the upload bit, but you could just add a link in Wordpress to the admin/upload page.

    #3. There is an image display option for setting the default image size. Are you using one of the distributed themes? These should be doing what you wish.

    #4. Someone with Wordpress expertise will have to step in on this one. I think most people make a zenphoto theme to fit in with their Wordpress look and feel.
  • 1. OK. Sounds good. I'll try ZenShow once more. Basiclly I uploaded it, activated it in Plugins, but now not too sure what to do. Should it appear in my sidebar ?

    2. OK. Sorry to be such a newb, but to add a link from WordPress, would I just go into one of the Admin files and add it 'statically'?

    3. I'm just using the default theme. Is there a particular file I should look at in the a distributed theme?

    4. Aaah, yes, this may make more sense. I'll try ask around on the WP forum for further info.

    Many thanks for your detailed reply.
  • For #3, can you post your URL? It should be working correctly. As for the option, go to admin, the options tab and the image display subtab.
  • Hi,
    In response to #3:
    {link removed}

    This shows that it overlaps my column on the right, over the blue :(. It seems to make the image a minimum width of 500px?

    I looked into the 'Options', but couldn't change the image size, only thumbnail :(

    Any pointers? Thanks for your help.
  • Sorry, this page is not zenphoto code. Don't see how we can help you with it.
  • Oh, but I use ZenPhoto for that page.

    The end part of my site is at '/zenphoto/test-photos/ws_Children_playing_1280x800.jpg.php'




    And I want the width * height to shrink by about 15%, or whatever, just so it doesn't go to width of 595. Is there anyway to adjust the values it defaults to for that page?

    Thankyou for your patience with this.
  • The page your supplied the link for (http://paintedover.com/uploads/show.php?loc=0801&f=untitled1_1.gif) was NOT generated by zenphoto. Perhaps you supplied the wrong link?
  • {link removed}

    My apologies. Please see above. I've worked an age on this site and just need a quick wee help fixing the 'width' that is created automatically.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It should work if you change the image size in admin > options > image display > image size. if not, you probably changed code.
  • Well, that's better.

    You should change the "image size" option to something smaller than 595 that will fit in the space you have allocated. (#3 in my original response.)
  • Oh, but how do I this? Is it in my ZenphotoPress Configuration ?

    {link removed}

    Again, apologies for the sheer newb-ness you see before you :)

    Will it not distort my image if I insert default width/height values for say, a landscape, then a portrait pic is added(?)
  • This is a zenphoto option. Go to your gallery's admin pages, click on the option tab, then the image display tab.
  • Hehehe, brilliant my man. Wow do I feel thick?!

    Thank You.

    Who do I ask to remove the links from the above posts?
  • I will remove the links.
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