"View Gallery" gets Internal Server Error

zenphoto admin panel is working great, zenphotopress plug-in works and allows me to add zenphoto's to my posts in wordpress.

However, when trying to "View Gallery" it gives Internal Server Error every time.

It should be pointed to MYDOMAIN.COM/zenphoto/ but the gallery does not load.

Any suggestions?


  • I have tried multiple times to change the mod_rewrite on/off with same results. The .htacces and zp-config.php files appear to be set up correctly. Still always get that error.
  • trisweb Administrator
    For reference, problem was solved here: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=1533&replies=11

    The issue was a conflicting .htaccess file from a parent directory interfering with Zenphoto's .htaccess. The solution was to move the Zenphoto installation to a different directory with no existing .htaccess Rewrite rules.
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