random error in gps.php

I'm getting this error randomly i think:

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /var/www/sites/qdog1.de/qallery/zp-core/exif/makers/gps.php on line 197

for now i put a @ in front of fread, can u fix that? btw: what happens there?


  • Do you by chance have an Olypmus camera? Recently we discovered some changes Olympus had made to its headers. These are corrected in 1.1.5 due out today.

    At any rate, this error is in indication that there is something wrong with the image's GPS block as zenphoto is trying to seek to a file location that does not exist. If you can figure out what image you are getting the error on and post it in a ticked, perhaps we can figure out what is wrong.
  • trisweb Administrator
    I don't think this is related to the Olympus bug, it's probably different. If you can, go here and post a new ticket http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/newticket and attach the image you got the error with. Thanks!
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