Thumb size in Zenpage theme


I know the thumb size of images is greyed out in the zenpage theme in admin/options/theme with a default size of 95 and you can edit themeoptions.php to change this. But when duplicating the zenpage theme the default greyed out thumb size in admin/options/theme is 100 and editing the duplicate themeoptions.php does not change the default 100 value - strange. I also see in this duplicate the default image size changes from 580 to 595.

I have tried deleting the duplicate and duplicating it again it again but it happens every time.




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The Zenpage theme has that option disabled for layout reasons since album thumbs and image thumbs are tied together. The album thumbs are set to a fixed size in this theme.

    When you modify it the theme name is different thus no graying out. You will have to modify the theme.
  • Hi,

    When I duplicated the zenpage theme I gave it a different name for example zenpage_2 or custom_zenpage and then activated the duplicated theme but the thumb size & image size are still greyed out in duplicates theme options.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, because you did not rename the option names. As said you have to modify the theme which means the options as well in this case.
  • Do you mean rename the theme references in themeoption.php? for example:

    setThemeOption('thumb_size',95, NULL, 'zenpage');

    to setThemeOption('thumb_size',128, NULL, 'zenpage_2');
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
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