Tags, when clicked, will return a search result of t+ag not "t ag."
While this default makes sense to me in the context of the search form, it seems that clicking that tag "middle sized dry good" should return the results for "middle sized dry good" not middle+sized+dry+good.
Any quick fix for this?
[I realize I could simple use no spaces in tags, but where's the fun in that?]
A search for "photo gallery" and photo+gallery will return different things, as expected. If you click on a tag, it returns the results for photo+gallery - so any thing with tags that use "photo" or "gallery" will show up, not just those tagged "photo gallery."
I see what you mean about the url though. If you change the url in the browser to
`/page/search/tags/"photo gallery"`
you get the desired result.
It just seems to me that this should be the default functionality.
Is there a simple to get things working this way? Also, any way to have tags separated by ", " instead of "," ? (The second, I realize, it's a purely personal convention).
For "," vs ", ", which would be of course typographically correct, this separator is an option of printTags():
The probelm is that since the tag was not quoted, when it was processed for the search, each word was treated as a search targed (they were ORed.) We wil get this corrected shortly.
`john smith, giulia`
clicking john smith results in
clicking giulia results in
It's not a problem with the current setup, but after tonight's nightly build clicking on links with giulia as the first tag would give you different results than clicking on links with giulia as a following tag: "giulia" vs " giulia"
This could be a problem with my own setup, but I'm fairly sure I'm running from 1.1.5 standard.