Thanks for your hard work with Zenphoto. I really like how it has evolved.
I have some problem with Zenphoto 1.1.5 (also in 1.1.4). The shutterspeed info for Nikon D300 and D200 looks a bit strange - for example I get the following shutterspeed when I look at the EXIF:
Shutter Speed: 8/10000 sec
Shutter Speed: 5/300 sec
Shutter Speed: 3/1 sec
Is there any solution for this?
What I expect is more like:
1/1250 sec
1/60 sec
3 sec
When I look at the image info in a Zenphoto gallery i get shutterspeeds like:
Shutter Speed: 8/10000 sec
Shutter Speed: 5/300 sec
Shutter Speed: 3/1 sec
What I'm expecting are:
Shutter Speed: 1/1250 sec
Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec
Shutter Speed: 3 sec
The problem is that shutterspeeds below one seconds are not always displayed as 1/XXX and abow it looks like X/1
I'm have the same problem with both the Nikon D200 and D300.
By the way, the way to keep something from getting forgotten is to create a ticket in Trac for the problem. Things in the forum can get lost. I have been traveling, so I did not see this post until you reposted it.