Gaps in the album page (empty spaces)

I use zenphoto 1.1.5, with Cimi theme.
I deleted two folders with ftp, now I have two gaps in the album page (despite "Refresh database" in admin page).
I emptied completely albums and reloaded all: same!
I put a very small thumbnail size (it is not a matter of vertical images)

Looks like I have gosts in my php database.. any idea?

thanks, bye


  • nobody's in the place?
  • There is a ticket on file that might be the same problem you are seeing:
  • Thanks.
    I've put the new class-gallery.php with garbage collector updated: my problem remains.

    I had no sub albums when it appeared. I just removed two folders. Maybe in the same time I renamed a neighbour folder.
  • From viewing your site it looks like you have two issues: First there would appear to be a folder in `albums` named `Recentes` which has no images in it. Second, your album thumbnails are not a uniform size. This causes gaps in the album layout of your theme.
  • You're right after all it was a problem of thnumbnail size. Thanks & sorry for disturbing.
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