I've use the older version of ZP before but I am trying to upload a new version for my friends website and it's not working: I am getting an error for my database connections, here is what I have in my zp-config file
<?php /* PUT NOTHING BEFORE THIS LINE, not even a line break! */
$conf = array();
define("DEBUG", false);
/** Do not edit above this line. **/
/////////// zenPHOTO Configuration Variables //////////////////////////////
// After you're done editing this file, load
http://www.yoursite.com/zenphotodir/zp-core/setup.php// to run the setup (of course, replacing the paths where needed).
// NOTE: web_path and server_path are no longer needed! If you're having problems
// with the auto-detected paths, you can override them at the bottom of this file.
// Database Information (the most important part!)
$conf['mysql_user'] = "obc-no_photouser";
$conf['mysql_pass'] = "**my password here**";
$conf['mysql_host'] = "localhost"; // Won't need to change this 90% of the time.
$conf['mysql_database'] = "obc-no_photos";
// If you're sharing the database with other tables, use a prefix to be safe.
$conf['mysql_prefix'] = "obc-no_";
// zp-config.php required options
// location of album folder.
// change 'album_folder' to rename the album folder inside the zenphotos installation
// change 'external_album_folder' to locate your album folder outside the zenphoto folders
$conf['album_folder'] = '/albums/';
$conf['external_album_folder'] = null;
// Change this to "https" if you use an HTTPS server (a "
https://..." url)
// Otherwise you should leave it at "http"
$conf['server_protocol'] = "http";
// Comment cleaning configuration
// Tags and attributes allowed in comments
// Follow the array form array('tag' => array('attribute' => array()))
$conf['allowed_tags'] = array (
'a' => array ('href' => array (), 'title' => array ()),
'abbr' => array ('title' => array ()),
'acronym' => array ('title' => array ()),
'b' => array (),
'blockquote' => array ('cite' => array ()),
'code' => array (),
'em' => array (),
'i' => array (),
'strike' => array (),
'strong' => array (),
'ul' => array (),
'ol' => array (),
'li' => array (),
// Path Overrides
// Uncomment the following two lines ONLY IF YOU'RE HAVING PROBLEMS,
// like "file not found" or "not readable" errors.
// These allow you to override Zenphoto's detection of the correct paths
// on your server, which might work better on some setups.
// define('WEBPATH', '/zenphoto');
// define('SERVERPATH', '/full/server/path/to/zenphoto');
/** Do not edit below this line. **/
$_zp_conf_vars = $conf;
Also here is a screen shot of what I'm seeing on the setup.php page:
http://www.obcm-no.org/images/ss_for_zenphoto.jpgI'm doubled check my DB settings so I know they are right. I have also tried deleting the .htacess file. And I have also tried putting the database variables in with the prefix and without the prefix.
P.S. Also tried a fresh install..
Still nothing..
I was referring to my own website. I believe I install whatever version of ZP was stable 8 months ago. I can't exactly remember.
But the problems I am having is not with an upgrade. It is on another website with a fresh install of 1.1.5
Thank You.
If this is a new install, you should be starting with an empty zp-config.php file. The one you have could cause you problems down the line because of the allowed tags array which in no longer supposed to be there.
Thank You