Upload via FTP question

I'm considering using zenphoto, but before I do I have one question:

When you upload a photo (or multiple photos) via ftp, are they automatically added and your album(s) & RSS feed(s) automatically updated?

Basically, here's why I'm asking. I have a Blackberry Curve and know that I can take the pictures then use the FTP program on my Blackberry to upload them (kind of a workaround to emailing them into zenphoto).

Thanks in advance!


  • The images are added automatically in a 'lazy' manner. What that means is they get added once some page tries to reference the album they are in. I assume that RSS would cause that access, so bottom line, it should work the way you want.
  • trisweb Administrator
    That is correct, the RSS feeds access the gallery just like the rest of Zenphoto and will detect any new images regardless of how they are added.
  • Thank you both for the prompt response. With that in mind, I may very well be making the move from Flickr to zenphoto!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Tris, I believe that is not exactly correct. The feed does not detect images uploaded via ftp by itself. The feed does not reference the images itself, it references the database entries, which do not exist if the images are not cached. So just uploading images to the albums folder via ftp adds nothing to the feed automatically.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Hm... did not know that.

    Ah, since it has to determine the latest images, etc. I see why then.

    thatguy, keep that in mind, you may have to find some way to trigger a refresh on the page in order for them to show up in the RSS feeds. But, they will always show up in the gallery.
  • Thanks for the info guys. Triggering the refresh is pretty easy on my Blackberry, I would imagine...just call up the gallery in the browser.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Bingo, that would do it.

    You could even create a script that did that for you without actually loading any images. I'll leave that to your experimentation :)
  • I have a question, the UserGuide is not very intuitive yet it seems, but how do you FTP photos to a gallery. I mean, I know how to use FTP, but do I need to create a gallery first, and then simply upload to its directory...?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Upload them into a folder or as a folder within the "albums" folder, just like you would do it on your harddrive.
  • I guess thats where the problem is. I installed ZenPhoto into a subdir, and when opening the directory I installed to, I only have images, install, lib, modules, themes, and upgrade as the directories. I cannot find the "albums" directory...
  • whoa, I see what happened. Nevermind the answer to this, it was my own screw up. I installed to a directory where I had ANOTHER gallery installed... dang it
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