I found some issues related to links with multiple languages as below also with using html_meta_tags and with the Canonical URL link ticked.
for example for netherlands language would be the following:
sitemap has
http://mysite.com/zenphoto/nl_NL/in source code <link rel="alternate"... has href="
http://mysite.com//nl_NL" (without slash- link doesn't work without forward slash)
and link from flag is
http://mysite.com/zenphoto/nlso there are 3 different links to same page of which one doesn't work without forward slash.
also in source code the canonical is
http://mysite.com/zenphoto/nl but in site map is href="
http://mysite.com/zenphoto/nl_NLsurely the canonical link should be the same as the link in the sitemap.
I will look at the other two and see what needs to be done. But this change (these changes) will not be retro-fit to the 1.4.3 release.