JPlayer doesn't play on external net

On my internal network, Jplayer plays all of my videos with no issue. However, when I try to play them via normal web access, they just load the preview picture, and never play, or even buffer. It almost seems like it is a firewall issue. That is, inside my firewall, it plays, but outside, it doesn't, although it does see the file, and gives me a preview, different from the .jpg poster view. I never had this problem with Flowplayer, but I don't want to go backwards to Flash.

Also, this is only a problem playing mp4 files, and only mp3 files that have poster .jpgs attached. If I try an mp3 from a direct link, it plays with no problem.

I know this sounds strange, but is there a port that I need to open? Or, is there another non-Flash plug-in that can be recommended?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Our videoplayer cannot play outside file or files outside the webroot. The plugin is meant to be used on multimedia file in the gallery not for direct usage of files. That is actually documented.
  • My files ARE in the gallery (zenphoto/albums/videos/movie.mp4). As I said, the problem seems to be related the network connection. All computers inside the firewall, can see the server, and view the videos (mp4), without issue. However, computers outside of the firewall can only see the site, and all of the files, but won't play the videos. It doesn't make sense, but that's what's happening.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, I misunderstood then that you tried to play file from external. That then sounds like a misconfiguration of your Firewall not allowing those files.

    Since the player uses Flash as a fallback on certain browser and if you don't provide counterpart formats that might be the issue. Flash is known as having security risks regulary so the Firewall maybe blocks that.
  • It seems like it's an issue of a port, or a permission. Is there a particular port that JPlayer is expecting to use?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not that i know of.
  • Well, items that are outside of the site, but have a link in a Page, play fine through the browser's native support, but items inside ZP bring in the JPlayer, and do not play.
    Visit link, for example:

    Again, it's not a problem with JPlayer's installation, because these files play perfectly on my internal LAN. It is only to the outside world where they are not available. Although maybe there is some configuration to JPlayer that needs to be done?

    From JPlayer support:
    Have you checked your MIME types?
    The may vary between your localhost and your online server.

    Also, (I think) Flowplayer uses Flash with an HTML5 fallback. jPlayer's defaults are HTML5, with a Flash fallback. You can make jPlayer use Flash where it can using the solution:"flash,html" option.

    On Sunday, 4 August 2013 21:33:23 UTC+1, you wrote:
    The file is publicly available, and as I mentioned, it used to play via Flowplayer.

    One thing... I'm using port 8088, and not 80, but the router is directing all of the traffic there properly. That is, the entire site works fine. The only problem that I'm having, is that JPlayer won't play mp4 or mp3 files.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The reason seems to be the url with the port as it appears as `` within the source code. Looks like an encoding issue. Usually you don't have ports in the url on websites though so I don't think we ever tested that at all. Best you open a ticket.
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