Issues upgrading to 1.1.5

After upgrading from 1.1.4. to 1.1.5 all titles and descriptions of albums are gone. Did anyone else notice this?


  • trisweb Administrator
    Did you perhaps change your table prefix by accident? This would only really happen if Zenphoto is trying to use different data. Look in your database and see if you have two sets of Zenphoto data.

    If not, and you ran the upgrade on the same tables, then we'll take a closer look...
  • Thx for the reply trisweb. After I found out about the missing titles and descriptions I also discovered all comments are gone. First thing I did was rollback to 1.1.4 from a daily backup.
    You could be right with the table prefix, because I don't use the default. So maybe I made a mistake while editing the zp-config-file. I'll try again soon.
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