Perl script to Import Menalto Gallery 2 Image Descriptions

First of all: thankyou for zenphoto! It's quick, it's uncomplicated and it does it's job! Don't add too much extras and I luv you forever.

I had gallery2 running and it was a pain. Much too huge and hard to understand, when you needed to tweak it.

I wrote this perl script to import the image description from within gallery. Use at your own risk and only, if you know what you're doing:

use DBI();
$user = "xxx";
$password = "xxx";
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=xxx;host=localhost", "$user", "$password",
{'RaiseError' => 1});
$counter = 0;
%UMLAUTE = ( 'Ä' => 'Ae', 'Ö' => 'Oe', 'Ü' => 'Ue','ä' => 'ae', 'ö' => 'oe', 'ü' => 'ue', 'ß' => 'ss');
@UMLKEYS = join("|", keys(%UMLAUTE));

$cursor = $dbh->prepare("select gallery2_FileSystemEntity.g_id, gallery2_FileSystemEntity.g_pathComponent, gallery2_Item.g_description from
gallery2_FileSystemEntity, gallery2_Item where gallery2_FileSystemEntity.g_id = gallery2_Item.g_id;") || die "Prepare schiefgegangen ($DBI::errstr)";

$cursor->execute() || die "Query schiefgegangen ($DBI::errstr)";
while(defined(my $row = $cursor->fetch))
$id = $row->[0];
$datei = $row->[1];
$besch = $row->[2];

$besch =~ s/(@UMLKEYS)/$UMLAUTE{$1}/g;
$besch = $dbh->quote($besch);
$datei = $dbh->quote($datei);

my $statement = "UPDATE zen_images SET title = $besch WHERE filename = $datei";


print "$counter: $datei --- $besch\n";

select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2); ## wait 200 ms for the database

It's intended to run in the shell, so don't try to call it from a browser. And check, if the queries work with your database, before you try.

Might help someone get rid of Gallery2! :)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I will add a link to this thread on our extensions page.
  • Just a few tips if you're using this:

    - make sure to check the prefixes on the Gallery and Zenphoto tables. Mine are g2_ and zp_, not gallery2_ and zen_

    This script assumes that you're putting zenphoto in the same database as Gallery. If yours is in a different database, simply define a second database conection and send the update statement to the new database:


    $dbh2 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=xxxx;host=localhost", "$user", "$password",{'RaiseError' => 1});

    my $statement = "UPDATE zp_images SET title = $besch WHERE filename = $datei";



    My databases both use the same usernames and passwords. if yours are different you'd need to define new variables for those as well.

  • inspired by this tool, I have wrote the migrator for gallery2 to zenphoto.
  • That migrator didn't work for me - the image descriptions didn't copy over.

    After running it I realized that the perl script above didn't work either. My husband ended up writing a sql statement that works:


    UPDATE *zendatabase*.zp_images im

    INNER JOIN *gallerydatabase*.g2_FileSystemEntity fse ON im.filename=fse.g_pathComponent

    INNER JOIN *gallerydatabase*.g2_Item item ON fse.g_id=item.g_id

    INNER JOIN *gallerydatabase*.g2_ChildEntity ce ON item.g_id=ce.g_id

    INNER JOIN *zendatabase*.``zp_albums` zp_albums ON
    INNER JOIN (SELECT g_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(g_title, '"', '"'), '&', '&') galltit FROM *gallerydatabase*.g2_Item WHERE g_canContainChildren=1) AS g_album ON ce.g_parentId=g_album.g_id
    SET im.`desc` = item.g_summary
    WHERE g_album.galltit=zp_albums.title

    Replace the *gallerydatabase* and *zendatabase* with the correct database names. ALso check the table prefixes and change them to match yours.
  • Megan, could you please send me the log file or output of the Migrator? The tool worked for me so I wanna find out why it didn't work for you. hopefully this eventually will become a useful tool for everyone else.
  • efurban, on your site under "Features" you state:

    "migrate photos: titles only (since I don't have descriptions for photos in Gallery2)"

    Wouldn't this likely be the reason image descriptions aren't converting over?
  • dbogen Member
    Went through this process recently. After Googling around for a solution, I mashed together several partial solutions and came up with a Frankenstein script that does most of the heavy lifting for you. The script is posted on my website at
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ok, we will put an entry for this on the extensions section, too.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Great, I have put an entry on our extensions section:

    If we may ask why did you choose Zenphoto against for example the newer Gallery3?
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