First of all: thankyou for zenphoto! It's quick, it's uncomplicated and it does it's job! Don't add too much extras and I luv you forever.
I had gallery2 running and it was a pain. Much too huge and hard to understand, when you needed to tweak it.
I wrote this perl script to import the image description from within gallery. Use at your own risk and only, if you know what you're doing:
use DBI();
$user = "xxx";
$password = "xxx";
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=xxx;host=localhost", "$user", "$password",
{'RaiseError' => 1});
$counter = 0;
%UMLAUTE = ( 'Ä' => 'Ae', 'Ö' => 'Oe', 'Ü' => 'Ue','ä' => 'ae', 'ö' => 'oe', 'ü' => 'ue', 'ß' => 'ss');
@UMLKEYS = join("|", keys(%UMLAUTE));
$cursor = $dbh->prepare("select gallery2_FileSystemEntity.g_id, gallery2_FileSystemEntity.g_pathComponent, gallery2_Item.g_description from
gallery2_FileSystemEntity, gallery2_Item where gallery2_FileSystemEntity.g_id = gallery2_Item.g_id;") || die "Prepare schiefgegangen ($DBI::errstr)";
$cursor->execute() || die "Query schiefgegangen ($DBI::errstr)";
while(defined(my $row = $cursor->fetch))
$id = $row->[0];
$datei = $row->[1];
$besch = $row->[2];
$besch =~ s/(
$besch = $dbh->quote($besch);
$datei = $dbh->quote($datei);
my $statement = "UPDATE zen_images SET title = $besch WHERE filename = $datei";
print "$counter: $datei --- $besch\n";
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2); ## wait 200 ms for the database
It's intended to run in the shell, so don't try to call it from a browser. And check, if the queries work with your database, before you try.
Might help someone get rid of Gallery2!
- make sure to check the prefixes on the Gallery and Zenphoto tables. Mine are g2_ and zp_, not gallery2_ and zen_
This script assumes that you're putting zenphoto in the same database as Gallery. If yours is in a different database, simply define a second database conection and send the update statement to the new database:
$dbh2 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=xxxx;host=localhost", "$user", "$password",{'RaiseError' => 1});
my $statement = "UPDATE zp_images SET title = $besch WHERE filename = $datei";
My databases both use the same usernames and passwords. if yours are different you'd need to define new variables for those as well.
After running it I realized that the perl script above didn't work either. My husband ended up writing a sql statement that works:
UPDATE *zendatabase*.zp_images im
INNER JOIN *gallerydatabase*.g2_FileSystemEntity fse ON im.filename=fse.g_pathComponent
INNER JOIN *gallerydatabase*.g2_Item item ON fse.g_id=item.g_id
INNER JOIN *gallerydatabase*.g2_ChildEntity ce ON item.g_id=ce.g_id
INNER JOIN *zendatabase*.``zp_albums` zp_albums ON
INNER JOIN (SELECT g_id, REPLACE(REPLACE(g_title, '"', '"'), '&', '&') galltit FROM *gallerydatabase*.g2_Item WHERE g_canContainChildren=1) AS g_album ON ce.g_parentId=g_album.g_id
SET im.`desc` = item.g_summary
WHERE g_album.galltit=zp_albums.title
Replace the *gallerydatabase* and *zendatabase* with the correct database names. ALso check the table prefixes and change them to match yours.
"migrate photos: titles only (since I don't have descriptions for photos in Gallery2)"
Wouldn't this likely be the reason image descriptions aren't converting over?
If we may ask why did you choose Zenphoto against for example the newer Gallery3?