colorbox options??

Hi all, I'm using Zenpage theme on my Zenphoto site and would like to improve the photo navigation when the colorbox opens when clicking on a photo. Is there a way to add next and previous arrows to the image displaying in the colorbox.


  • Also I think I would like to have the full size image open directly into colorbox from the album page instead of going to the image page and then having colorbox open that image to it's full size.
  • vincent3569 Member, Translator

    in admin/options/plugin/colorbox_js, you have several styles : have a look on example3.

    to open colorbox directly from album page instead image page, there is some code to write in your theme.

    you can have a look to zpArdoise theme : there an option "Use Colorbox in Album page" who suit your needs.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    1. THe next/prev will not be possible without theme coding. On the single image page there is no "Next/prev" known to the colorbox. YOu would have to generate a invisible list of all those images.

    2. That is possible but as vincent says requires theme changes on the theme's album.php page. Even then you will only be able to go through the images on that album page, not the next or previous.

    I suggest to read about how colorbox works on its own website and also read our theming tutorial.
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