Thanks and a lightbox.js integration with ZP

I just wanted to say thanks for this great gallery script!
I've got it integrated on my website
I've also added lightbox.js to pop up the images, pulling the caption data from the ZP database.


  • I like the way you put the x to close the pic in it (most noob surfers need this).

    Could you post the theme you use so we can use it too? OR add some ducumantation of how you did this.

    I think comments can be added the same way (if one would like) with a small text like: Comment (5) in the lower right corner, showing the normal comment fields of ZP when clicked upon.
  • @keston: superb integration! do write a step-by-step for noobs like myself, thanks!

    @Null: i second the suggestion of having commenting enabled...
  • I didn't really think about comments, but they shouldn't be that hard to integrate. I did notice today that the ajax inline admin mode causes the gallery to go nuts, so I'll need to work on that one a bit.

    @Null- the 'X' is standard in the script...

    Working on a writeup and a sample layout right now.
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