My main RSS feed URL has broken: seems to have stemmed from an upgrade to in early November. I've read the changelog post about legacy RSS rewrite rules, but assume that the feed shouldn't actually break if I'm using the function:
`<?php printRSSHeaderLink('Gallery', gettext('Gallery RSS')); ?>`
the page
the rss page
who can help me?
i just start wih zenpage and every body told me that it was very good for seo, but after one week none of my pictures are in the google index. i send my sitemap to google... nothing
If your images are not indexed that can have numerous reasons. First there are two kinds of images: the cached ones (thumbs, sized images) and the full images you uploaded.
You possibly need to modify the robots.txt file as that is by default set not to allow access to the full images.
i change the robots like this
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Allow: /*
User-agent: Googlebot Allow: /*
User-agent: Yahoo Allow: /*
User-agent: msnbot Allow: /*
User-agent: Accoona-AI-Agent Allow: /*
User-agent: MSRBOT Allow: /*
User-agent: VoilaBot Allow: /*
Allow: /la-boutique-photo/albums/
Allow: /la-boutique-photo/cache/
Allow: /la-boutique-photo/cache_html/
Disallow: /la-boutique-photo/themes/
Disallow: /la-boutique-photo/zp-core/
Disallow: /la-boutique-photo/zp-data/
Disallow: /la-boutique-photo/page/search/
Disallow: /la-boutique-photo/uploaded/
Disallow: /la-boutique-photo/backup/
what i must do? before to install zenphoto my robots was just this
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
Allow: /*
User-agent: Googlebot Allow: /*
User-agent: Yahoo Allow: /*
User-agent: msnbot Allow: /*
User-agent: Accoona-AI-Agent Allow: /*
User-agent: MSRBOT Allow: /*
User-agent: VoilaBot Allow: /*
and it was correct i think because my seo was very good
Again if your install is in the folder, you don't need to include the folder in the file since the file needs to be in there. Look at the default one.