To me, it's a bug. When I click the Save button and save the order, I'm told the Album is saved. That's fine. However, as soon as I move the next photo, I'm still being told the album is saved. This is misleading. The Type of sort and save are in the same paragraph which maybe why it doesn't change. IMHO, it should only show Album order saved up until the next action (move) is made.
I did some moves, did a screen refresh and was still seeing Album order saved. It wasn't. The moves were restored to original position, of course.
I've installed build [1278 Mar 10] and still see the same "problem". (I'm only assuming this is the build that included the change, otherwise I'll wait to "next" build. It's not interferring with functionality.
(I find moving the images amusing to do, reminding me of the puzzle game where you move pieces to put see what image comes into view once the pieces are in order.)
Just updated to build 1295 and tried Sort. Noticed same behaviour. Instead of acting like Edit Album save, it uses the phrase Album Saved. Sort order X. Can it be changed to be same as Edit with the green notice "saved"?