Copied folder structure is not appeared

Sorry if this is already discussed topic. I have installed zenphoto successfully, I created a new album.
If I copy pictures under this album folder I can see them on gallery, if I create folder under that it can be seen too.
But when I copied a complex structure of photos under this folder and I check via gallery I can't see these folders.
Is it related to pre-cache method of zenphoto? Is there a way to pre-cache the whole structure first?

Thanks in advance,


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    What do you mean with a "complex structure" of photos exactly? Within the root /albums folder you can have numerous folder (=albums) that can be nested in endless levels. So an album can contain further albums and so on.
  • Thank you for your reply.
    Complex structure means 2 or 3 deep folder structure like:
    -->my album

    First I couldn't see any folders in my album. Strange is when I have reopened the album first subfolder appeared with pictures. Then I went back and open the album again: second subfolder has been appeared so first two subfolders is visible. Reopen again: third one and so on.
    I don't understand how this cache or load procedure works?
    I have more than 70 subfolders under my album. How can I load or make zenphoto to show them in one shot? I suppose I shouldn't re-open the album via gallery in 70 times...
    Thanks a lot!
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I don't understand. You don't need to do anything. Zenphoto will recognize them automatically if someone visits them or you view them via the backend.

    If they don't show there is either an error in your logs or your are not logged in and the albums/images are not published.

    Please see the troubleshooting articles on the user guide about caching.
  • If the problem is that the folders are taking some time to show up, then it is probably simply a processing issue. You can always use the cache manager to load up all the images into the cache.

    But if the albums take some time to show up probably your server simply is not fast enough to process them in "real time". The first time Zenphoto notices an album it will look for images to use as its thumbnail. It cannot show something without a thumbnail. With lots of images and say using a random image as the thumbnail that may take some time.
  • Thanks a lot for your answers. Cache manager plugin has solved my issue indeed!

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