View album (admin) back to View gallery on save

Not sure if bug or intentional:

I'm logged in as Admin. Viewing my album and noting errors/typos. When I modify the text or add comment, upon Save I am taken back to the index of my Galleries (all of them) instead of staying on the page I'm editing.


  • This is still happening. I edit an image's descriptive text and on Save, it justs bag to the gallery intro page.

    Mac OS X 10.3.9 / Safari 1.3.2 (v312.6) / Zenphoto 1278 build
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, I can't reproduced that either with 1.1.5 nor the nightly. I don't have Safari 1.3 though (running 10.4.11 with Safari 3). Is it in other browser too?
  • No, just Safari which is the last for 10.3.9 users. Make note then in case it's raised again. it's consistent at least, I hate random problems :) I'm doing next update build later as there was mention of something being change Wed night so didn't bother. I'll know not to look for this correction. No Tiger as I can't install my DVD drive.
  • If you are not being taken back to the page you were on when you did the save, redirection is not working on you server.
  • It works okay in Camino (Mozilla) so isn't server. Will try iCab.... be back...
  • Okay, it's not exclusive to Safari! iCab just did the same thing. Only Camino handles. As for server... I'm on Dreamhost, your (zenphoto) new friend :-) So, would expect it not to be a server issue.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Safari 1 and 2 have generally had problems with Ajax/Javascript. I recommend using Firefox/Camino for that. iCab is not perfect in that way either.
  • I don't use iCab often, I only updated because I remember it from its inception years ago then it "disappeared". It's not that well-used, I think, just wanted to see what happened. At least I know it's "expected" behaviour for Safari (my version) as I have Mac friends that I'm recommending Zenphoto to and they too are only at 10.3.9/Safari.
  • trisweb Administrator
    We generally expect Administrators to use modern browsers, so that means at *least* Safari 2 (preferably Safari 3), Camino, or any version of Firefox.

    If I had a mac and a copy of Safari 1 or 2 then I could test, but unfortunately I do not. A friend of mine has a mac, but uses Leopard and Safari 3 and Firefox, so that's no help.

    The functionality is not all lost - you can still use Zenphoto in any browser in the 'Edit' section of the admin. You should not generally expect AJAX to work seamlessly in older browsers.
  • I cannot update to a "modern" browser as I'm using 10.3.9. And, so are many other Mac users that I'm in contact with and will receive the URL for my album (hopefully use zenphoto too :) Leopard is out of the question as I'm on too old a mac (sounds awful for a perfectly good 5 year old). This is the first time I've ever heard of Ajax implementation since its rumour days years ago.

    Any ideas of how to earn $5 Grand from a photo album????????? (To speed up my purchase of a new system)'

    Oh well...
  • trisweb Administrator
    Haha, fair enough I guess.

    If I get access to an older Safari I will be sure to test, until then this is an unfortunate limitation, and you'll have to live with it, or just use the Admin. :)
  • hey, I'm just like those PC users still running Windows98 :) No wait, better! OS X 10.3.9 is newer
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yeah, the tied-in-system-browser Safari is one thing that makes Apple a little Microsoft like...So just use a Mozilla based browser.
    The editing works just fine with even a stone old version of Mozilla 1.5 (yeah, I still have that for testing, I even know a few people who still use very old Macs with OS 9!!!)

    BTW, I have myself no plan on updating to Leopard, too. My Mac (G4 with 10.4) is over 3 years old, too, and much too expensive here, to switch all the time...
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