Putting thumbnails in a different folder

I´ve been searching for this but found nothing related...

I´d like to know if I could move the album thumbs within a subfolder of each album, for example "album01/tb/".

What I´d like to do is generate the images and thumbnails in my machine, then ftp both to the server (probably zipped, then uncompress them on the server).

Thanks in advance.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, that is not possible without hacking zenphoto. You could do that but that is not recommended regarding updates (and not supported). Zenphoto is all about doing that automatically and will always refer to the thumbs in the cache or will create them there.

    What you could try is naming the thumbs the exacty way they are named in the cache, then zenphoto probably won't generate them if it finds them there. But I haven't tested that.
  • Ok, thanks :)
  • If you have a local version of your site, just copy its cache folder to the server. That is where all the thumbnails are.
  • I think I am looking for pretty much the same thing, I would just like ZenPhoto to check if I have an image with the same name with _th after it before it creates a thumbnail for it. That way I can control the size and quality of the thumbnail, as well as what the focus of the picture is. My main problem with the thumbs currently is that in a lot of cases my images are completely cut off, where I want to show a downsized version of the whole picture...
  • It does almost that. It looks for a file in the cache with a particular string appended depending on your thumb size. For "standard" thumbs it will be `_100_cw85_ch85` so you could always make files with that appended and they will be used as the thumb.
  • trisweb Administrator
    If you remove the 'thumb crop' option the cached thumbs get named even simpler - with just the size appended, eg: "`_100.jpg`"
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That is actually what I meant above....:-)
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