It most likely would be a complex implementation. Currently, images are handled by the class-image.php and i.php files. These are really oriented to processing images, not PDF files. They do such things as thumbnail creation and image resizing. I don't know much about displaying PDF, but I imagine that it would take quite a bit different approach.
It would be very similar to ZenVideo (and could be implemented as another extension to it) - it would just load the PDF plugin for the file, not too hard.
If I interpret the original post correctly, he wants ZP to basically be a file server. He doesn't necessarily want the contents of the PDF to be displayed. Just an icon that indicated the file is a PDF, and if you click on it then it will download.
Hmm.... I would say to this (and the Text file support) a 'no' until we can somehow implement a generic file-type support architecture. Then people can add whatever types/renderers they want as plugins. Call it a 2.0 feature.
I just like to add that I would like to see pdf-support too, but I wouldn't mind if I needed to create the thumbs myself. Ofcourse it would be great if sometime in the future a pdf-file could be shown on a seperate page in a seperate theme file (like pdf.php, next to album.php), but perhaps workarounds could already be made now...
Personally I would like to use pdf's as containers for ideas/concepts/layout-examples/brochures/instructions etc. I could upload the pdf files manually and also the images. From the images ZP can make thumbs, just as it does now. The PDF-files with the same name in that same folder would/should be ignored. Then the only thing needed would be a slightly different template file (lets call it pdf.php), and in it we should have just the link to the pdf-file instead of a link to the image, like this (I'm not a coder ):
The pdf's I have in mind would consist of at least two pages, front and back, but perhaps even more. For instance, let's say I have designed a chair. I would like to show that chair, including the sketch, example images from different angles and different colors. Ofcourse this can all be done from within WordPress using pages etc. (and perhaps I will do that), but it would be nice to have albums with projects/ideas that people can browse and print.
Considering the reply's so far I don't know if it's usefull to start a new ticket for this. Perhaps first wait for some more input and reply's from other visitors .
If you would like that feature please open a feature request tickt on the trac for it. We will then add it to our poll.
Personally I would like to use pdf's as containers for ideas/concepts/layout-examples/brochures/instructions etc. I could upload the pdf files manually and also the images. From the images ZP can make thumbs, just as it does now. The PDF-files with the same name in that same folder would/should be ignored. Then the only thing needed would be a slightly different template file (lets call it pdf.php), and in it we should have just the link to the pdf-file instead of a link to the image, like this (I'm not a coder
Considering the reply's so far I don't know if it's usefull to start a new ticket for this. Perhaps first wait for some more input and reply's from other visitors