disbale right click on full image

Hey all,

how can i disable right clicking on the full image.
With a little javascript it works on all the pages except when you click the full image.
I just whant to see a little error msg that tells that the pics are cpoywright protected.

Someone who can help me pls?

ps: i know this wont prevend from stealing but it helps a bit


  • With the nightly builds you can do this by setting the option for the full image to `no access`.
  • I know it's not the same thing but there's suppose to be code to not allow linking to images or any other specified file that can be put into the .htaccess file, if you have one from your web host (ISPs don't normally allow access to this file.)
  • i installed version 1.1.5
    but when i check protect full image it doesnt do much?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sbillard already answered it, 1.1.5 does not have that feature, you have to install the nightly build.
  • I have to wonder about this feature. There is no way to prevent someone from downloading a publicly viewable file. In fact, they HAVE to download it in order to view it. Here are a couple of ways to "break" this so called protection:

    1) Disable javascript in your browser, or tell it to ignore silly requests like "disable right click."
    2) Retrieve the image from your browser cache. Hell, there is a FireFox addon that lets you search for, and view, images in your cache.
    3) Use curl, grep, and some regex magic to download the image.

    I mention this because sites that try to cripple my mouse upset me. I use the context menu to navigate backward in my browsing history without having to move to the toolbar.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    While I agree that the only solution to protect images in the internet is not to upload them in the first place, there are a lot of "normal" users who do not know about these special possibilities, some even don't know how to unzip a file! These people won't even search for these (and I know quite a few of these people). BTW in Safari it's even easier, there is the activity window, that lists directly all loaded files, which you can download via double click. So this feature is not aimed at more computer savy users like us.
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