Images size is longest size: YES
Allow upscale: YES
Thumb size: 125
Crop: YES
Crop thumbnail width: 125
Crop thumbnail height: 96
Albums per page: 3 (I only have 2 published so not sure yet)
Images per page: 40
I've got 42 thumbs on page 1 and 29 on page 2 x 4 per row (71 total) -- why is there more than 40 on page 1? And even so, why not divisible by 4? Why is there a row with only 2 images?
I'm not logged in as Admin so viewing as my visitors will.
I played extensively last night with various settings and none gave me even rows. They were so far out-of-whack it would be embarrassing to publish! I couldn't find anyway of evening off the portrait/landscape bottoms so that the rows are even. As you can see, I don't have settings as square although they do appear that way when viewing.
What I seemed to have read from your reply is that my theme, Default, is set to override my preference setting of 40. That surprised me because it _is_ the Default theme.
Number per page is an awkward setting to set in the first place. How do I know how many I want per page for my album when one has 270 images and the other 71 and the other.... (being a global setting). I tend to think of how many images I want per row then let the number of rows it takes work out.
The solution is to find `normalizeColumns('2', '6');` (or something similar) and change it to `normalizeColumns('2', '4');` since the width of your image is different. The 2nd number is the number of columns to use.
Once again, change `normalizeColumns('2', '6');` TO `normalizeColumns('2', '4');`
The reason we have to do this is because Subalbums might exist in the albums, and they may not line up with the images the same way, so the theme has to tell Zenphoto how many columns for subalbums and how many columns for images.
What you did was change the number of columns used for your images by changing their size, but then did not update the theme to reflect that. So, one more time...
Find `normalizeColumns('2', '6');` and change it to `normalizeColumns('2', '4');`
When I had all the thumbs, row after row, on one page, I saw there were too pany so created a page 2. A lot of work. In essence Zenphoto is somewhat recreating visually my album by guys who know a lot more coding (PHP, AJAX, etc) than I do <LOL!>
PS: What are backticks? I used <> and </> for blockquote but doesn't look different.
`Things in backticks look like this on the board`
I understand your problem with the image rows/columns better now - you didn't change the code, only the image size in the admin.
I'm thinking there must be a better way to calculate this without changing the code, we will look into it.
Regarding blockquote, I noticed too that it does not show up here on the board, but it does in the RSS feed though.
PS. Backticks are even worse...:-)
I have made the change suggested successfully, but it would be nice if in a future version this is handled a bit better (add a columns option next to the number of images option maybe).
I'm just viewing Album1 in "Admin" (all images show) view and I have 5 images on row 1, 2 on row 2 and back to 5 per row for the 9 remaining rows on page 1. (I've modified the settings from the original posting to make the thumbnails longer vs wider)
Logout and viewed as "Visitor" (some marked not to show): I have 8 rows of 5 images each, ONE on row 9 aligned to the right and ONE on row 10 aigned to the LEFT! Then, link to move to page 2.
As to the thumbs and album thumbs together that has been discussed many times. Search the forum and doc for `normalizeColumns`.
Remember the real flexibility/strenght of Zenphoto lies actually in the theming.