Am posting separately as this has nothing to do with the context of the orginal post (sort order)
<QUOTE>sbillard: If you put your cursor on the image thumb, your browser shold show the URL which will include the file name. (from previous post)
Okay, I see the hover of the "alt tag" when actually viewing the album but not in Sort mode. Both Camino and Safari. Should I? Not seeing is what makes it harder to move images as I don't always know what they are from the crop (not raising this issue!). (When in Sort mode being Admin, all images are displayed so picking out the similar ones, some which may not be visible to the end visitor, is harder, but want in their respective order.)
The ALT text doesn't seem to be there in sorting. We can add it.
It would be very helpful to have in sorting. Thanks. Never know, some of these things are only PC and I'm a Mac user.