Super Gallery - again

1) If I click on 'Archive View' in the footer of my 'Super Gallery' main page I get 'Zenphoto error: missing theme page'

2) Is there a way to disable 'Archive View'?

3) In the 'breadcrumb' of the 'sub gallery' is there a way to include the 'Super Gallery' main page?



  • trisweb Administrator
    1) Yeah, you should probably disable that archive view. See (2)

    2) You just need to remove the link from the index.php page. Just do a search for 'archive' and remove the whole link/image.

    3) Again, you can edit the themes to do this. Just copy the HTML for the Album and change the link.

    As with everyone, I have to ask why you're using the supergallery? Most everything can be done using a single gallery with subalbums, the only thing missing is the ability to use separate themes.
  • "I have to ask why you're using the supergallery?"

    1) Separate themes. Different photographers/projects, different photographic styles, different themes!

    2) A future project requires a public section and a private section, seemed simpler to me to have one totally public gallery and to password protect one whole gallery rather than doing it album by album. Does password protecting a root album also protect the subalbums? I had not thought of that.

    3) I can imagine situations where it would be preferable to have separate admin, for example, different users maintaining different albums.

    It's a good feature.

    I would of thought most of us want the 'Super Gallery' for different themes.
  • Supergalleries were invented before the multiple admin feature. So, one really should decide if they are worth using. You can even get multiple themes without using supergallery if you can enable mod_rewrite. You just create an album folder of the same name as the subgallery!
  • trisweb Administrator
    @stevenew - that's what I thought as well, those are good reasons. It's very limited and hopefully will be superseded by new features like selecting themes per-album.

    Did I answer all your original questions? Thanks.
  • @sbillard - multiple admin feature? I must look at the admin again, I think this has passed me by! I have yet to experiment with the mod_rewrite album folder/sub gallery.

    @trisweb - Yes original questions answered and now implemented.
    What about password protecting a root album does this also protect the subalbums?

    I have to say that after the time I have spent trying to implement (with varying degrees of success) other gallery scripts (I'm sure you know the ones I mean) I realised I am actually 'enjoying' learning zenphoto.

  • trisweb Administrator
    Stevenew - yes, password protection is inherited, so the sub-albums and all images under it at any level will also be protected.

    Re: learning Zenphoto - That's the beauty of something simple and understandable. Just makes sense doesn't it? ;-)
  • @sbillard - I have started playing with using mod_rewrite as you suggested, made albums folders with the same name as the sub galleries. The links from the main page to the 'sub galleries' work but I have put images in the album folders to make thumbnails for the 'sub galleries' on the main page but they are not showing. I have refreshed the database etc. The name of the file shows in album edit but no actual image.
  • This should work just like a normal album. Have you changed themes from the supergallery one? You should be using one of the 'normal' themes.
  • Yes using default 'normal' theme, if I change the name of the album folder to one that does not point to a 'sub gallery' thus making a normal album, the image appears if I then change it back to the name of the 'sub gallery' the image disappears.
  • What happens if you change the name of the subgallery leaving the album folder the old name of the subgallery?
  • Changed the name of the subgallery and then the thumb image appeared for the album folder with the old subgallery name. I then changed the name of the subgallery back to its original name and the thumb remained!

    Ok that now works, why?

    Just noticed in admin/edit, change the order of albums, click 'save order' order reverts back to original order. Tried a few times happens every time.
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