I have a NextGen album at
arctickelpie.se (it's in Swedish) that I want to migrate to zenphoto.
Well migrate is not the correct word, but in lack of better... I will re-upload all photos (in a nice sorted fashion), so that is no worry.
But, there's always a but, I want to rename it when I'm done with the incorporation with WP - and that's the snag. I've made a test and ZP complains that it can't find the zp-config.php.
I've scoured the database for a setting regarding the uri of the install, but I can't find any.
How I want to do:
1. install, configure, sort and the lot to `/fotogalleri2`
2. remove NextGen
3. move ZP from `/fotogalleri2` to `/fotogalleri`
Remeber to clean the cache...