Just installed ZenPhoto, and wow! So much better than the bloated monstrosoties out there!
So here's my feature request: Please don't add any un-needed features! Simple is good!
The only feature I want is the ability to specify the thumbnail and image size in the options menu - right now have to edit config.php directly.
Some documentation in the user admin would be nice too, but thats just icing on the cake.
One small bug: The file config.php.example is transferred by most ftp clients as a binary file. (well at least in Filezilla). This caused the Zenphoto to not run till I noticed and retransferred it as a ascii file.
Anyways, zenphoto is a great application and yes, bloating it with too many features would be disastrous. Keep it simple, and if possible, make special features available as plug-ins/extensions without interfering with the core.