Where's the admin page??

This might be the stupidest question in the world, but where's the admin page??

There's no link to it from the main gallery page. There's no reference of it anywhere..



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The admin page is found by www.yourdomain.com/zenphoto/admin or the direct path would be www.yourdomain.com/zenphoto/zp-core/admin.php
  • Reda Member
    on this topic, in the future is there any chance to have a small link at the bottom of the page to switch between admin view and guest view?
  • You can always use the Admin Toolbox and logout
  • Reda Member
    but then I lose the Admin Toolbox ;-)
    It would be nice to switch between the two views as admin... currenty I use two browsers (logged in as admin in one and not logged in in the other one)
  • What you wish probably won't happen. First, Even the switch at the bottom of the page would be different from a real logged out page. A technicality, I know, but still a difference that someone would surely object to.

    Second, The "loggedin-ness" is pretty basic. You either are or are not. "Pretending" not to be logged in would permeate the code adding complexity and overhead for very little gain. Continue the way you are doing it, one browser for admin one for viewing the way the user sees it. Presumably you won't need to do the latter all that much once you get past the initial setup.
  • Reda Member
    ok, thanks for quick response
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