Full images are displayed just by your browser, not as part of any formatted page. If you want them to be part of a formatted page you will have to create a page and the links to point to it. But then that is almost the same as the image.php page, except for perhaps the size of the picture which you can change.
If you are viewing *just* the image in the browser, there is no page loading, thus no CSS -- there is no way to format it without sticking it in a page.
No it's not "just the image", it's the page called from clicking a thumb. There's the background (black) and an "image box" (dark grey) where the image is displayed.
However, since posting, I unchecked a setting (not intentionally) and now see a LARGE image. The option for Images size is longest size: made quite the difference unchecked!
Now the portrait images (the ones that were problematic) are not only noticeably larger (too much) but better centered. I'm finding the explanations a bit confusing to follow so will have to experiment (what this means:
`If this is checked the longest side of the image will be image size.Otherwise, the width of the image will be image size.`
No idea what longest (height is used elsewhere) means vs width of image as there is only an arbitrary setting for width of image (as oppose to the true size of the image if it was displayed outside Zenphoto).
We probably need to define a few things. If you click on the thumbnail, you get a sized image not a full sized image. That you only get if you click on the sized image.
Sorry, I don't get really your problem. Maybe you could provide a link?
Sorry for your confusion. To be explicit, "the longest side" refers to the diminsion of the image which has the biggest value for its size. On a portrait oriented image that would be the height, for a landscape oriented image, the width will be the longest.
Indeed, the wording is confusing All my images have the portrait height equal to landscape width. So what number do I enter for "Image size" (default image width)? the height or width? The two layouts are different numbers!
And check turned on for Images size is longest size?
actually, this album wasn't done with consistant image sizing. Some are width="597" height="438" others different. The largest is width="891" height="325" but that's only one. They can all be "evened off" to the 597x438 for example.
My post should have actually mean the height of the portrait is (will be) equal to the width of landscape
OK, then the description "If checked the thumbnail will be a centered portion of the image with the given width and height after being resized to thumb size (by shortest side). Otherwise, it will be the full image resized to thumb size (by shortest side)." would mean that if the option checked the images will retain their aspect ratios--portrait will remain taller than they are wide and landscape wider than they are tall. There will be "white space" around the image to fill out the thumbnail frame.
And "If this is checked the longest side of the image will be image size. Otherwise, the width of the image will be image size." This means that if this option is checked our portrait images will be 597 high and your landscape images will be 597 wide. It the option is not checked, all images will be 597 wide.
I have the option `Images size is longest size: If this is checked the longest side of the image will be image size.Otherwise, the width of the image will be image size.` checked.
Sizing is as it should be. Funny thing is I see my thumbs look "scaled" NOT cropped, or am I imagining things? <LOL: previous rants>
However, the portrait images are left-aligned. I'm not as familiar with CSS2 placement declarations so don't know if there is a one to center all images or not. The landscape images seem to be okay only because they are large and one doesn't notice the left-alignment.
I've spent a bunch of time trying to figure out where the CSS is to get the border around my album thumbs to be the same all the way around and to center them on the index page. Can someone help with this? I'm using effervescence theme. http://www.gospelriver-gallery.mysitecreations.com/
Tried reverting to old pages.php and it didn't change it either... what else affects the location of the sidebar? I would like it to be next to the text like it used to be...
Usually it's a matter of setting the left and right margins to auto.
/* Individual Image
------------------------------ */
.image {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0px;
#image {
text-align: center;
line-height: 0;
However, since posting, I unchecked a setting (not intentionally) and now see a LARGE image. The option for Images size is longest size: made quite the difference unchecked!
Now the portrait images (the ones that were problematic) are not only noticeably larger (too much) but better centered. I'm finding the explanations a bit confusing to follow so will have to experiment (what this means:
`If this is checked the longest side of the image will be image size.Otherwise, the width of the image will be image size.`
No idea what longest (height is used elsewhere) means vs width of image as there is only an arbitrary setting for width of image (as oppose to the true size of the image if it was displayed outside Zenphoto).
Sorry, I don't get really your problem. Maybe you could provide a link?
my Zenphoto directory is password protected so I took PDFs of the images using two settings, to show the differences.
And check turned on for Images size is longest size?
My post should have actually mean the height of the portrait is (will be) equal to the width of landscape
And "If this is checked the longest side of the image will be image size. Otherwise, the width of the image will be image size." This means that if this option is checked our portrait images will be 597 high and your landscape images will be 597 wide. It the option is not checked, all images will be 597 wide.
`Images size is longest size: If this is checked the longest side of the image will be image size.Otherwise, the width of the image will be image size.` checked.
Sizing is as it should be. Funny thing is I see my thumbs look "scaled" NOT cropped, or am I imagining things? <LOL: previous rants>
However, the portrait images are left-aligned. I'm not as familiar with CSS2 placement declarations so don't know if there is a one to center all images or not. The landscape images seem to be okay only because they are large and one doesn't notice the left-alignment.
The CSS must provide the centering.
.image {
border: 0;
text-align:center; /* attempt to center Image Page image */
and "suddenly, the John Hancock Center moved (image) <SMILE> (Found via Google search as I didn't have a clue how to do this)
Also, I seem to have messed up the CSS for the sidebar here:
Thank you...