zenphoto version 1.1.5 [1328]
Went to change the color of the Default theme I'm using. Changed the drop box to select the the theme for my album instead of the gallery. Scrolled down to theme_color and the list box was empty.
Just prior I made a copy of the color dark.css and named it brown.css (using FTP) so I could play with the CSS colouring. Are custom names not allowed?
Yes, `themeoption.php` is in each folder. I always overwrite Default theme with each build, to make sure I don't lose files somewhere. (I understand it doesn't change unless the theme itself changes, but at least it is "updated" with each build in case I do something to it
I reset my Gallery to Default. Left my Album at DefaultBoston (my concotion). The only difference between the two is a modified dark.css in DefaultBoston and I was about to create a brown.css to make a chocolate brown colour.
DEFAULT: works with Theme_colors WITHOUT MODIFYING the functions.php file.
DEFAULTBOSTON: works with Theme_colors WITHOUT MODIFYING the functions.php file. HOWEVER, I also trashed the CSS file I created "brown.css".
So, does that mean I can only use dark or light CSS files (or whatever comes with the theme) I cannot have a self-created CSS file recognized?
Theme is DefaultBoston (cloned from Default).
Still not seeing all my CSS options in the Theme_colors drop down list. Using Default theme where I have several CSS files in addition to those that come with the Theme. My "active" CSS file is always renamed to dark.css so while I cannot see it as the chosen file, it's the one that's applied.
Problem still exists. I cannot change the theme_color using my custom-named Default theme. I'm worried if I use the ZP Default, I'll overwrite on an update by accident!
Okay, now things are getting interesting: My DefaultBoston theme_color option is "admin"!. None of the other CSS files appear.
Also, there have been changes to the themeoptions.php files necessary to support the album themes. Have you checked your themeoptions.php to see if it is codes the same way as the ones in the nightly builds?
Wasn't aware that changes were made to that file. When I do my updates, I don't import over my DefaultBoston because the index.php is slightly changed (took out the RSS at bottom) as well. So too for the Enselitis that I use as my Gallery Theme. There I moved things around in the code for displaying the first page.
I'll do a file compare....
Selected Options | Theme Options >>> ALL THERE!!! THANK YOU!!!
Does that mean that the files within a Theme should be updated except for the folder "styles" (if modified)?
Whether any files need to be updated depends on what has got changed. The best approach is to do a file compare of the old version of the distributed theme you chose with the new version of the same theme. Any changes you see are likely to be needed in your modified theme.
` function handleOption($option, $currentValue) {
if ($option == 'Theme_colors') {
$theme = array_pop(explode('/', dirname(__FILE__)));
$themeroot = SERVERPATH . "/themes/$theme/styles";
echo 'n";
generateListFromFiles($currentValue, $themeroot , '.css');
echo "n";
This is where the theme colors are being fetched and displayed. If the path to the CSS files is not correct it will not display them.
Am going to test renaming the Theme to Default and each of the Styles to whatever album they apply to. That way, if I like Album1 but what it slightly different for Album2, I'm not messing with the same CSS file.