Hit counter

Hi @ all

I discovered that the newest Version 1.1.5 (in my case) don't count the hits... What could be wrong???



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The hitcounter function is not included by default in any of the five standard themes. You would have to add that yourself if you would like to use it. Please take a look at our functions guide, too: http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/Zenphoto/_template-functions.php.html#functionhitcounter
    If you don't get into that, come back.

    Or maybe you are just logged in as admin? In that case the counter would not count, since it is meant to count visitors not admins..:-)
  • Actually, Effervescence+ does include the hitcounter
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Ah, I always miss something regarding Effervescence+...:-)
  • olphi Member
    Hi acrylian

    Thanks for your help! I was able to include the function into the images.php, but all counters are still zero, albeit I'm clicking on the images...? What else do I have to do?

  • Hitcounters are not advanced when the admin views the pages. Log out and view the pages and you will see the counter increment.
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