I got my Album1 looking all very nice and pretty. So, I applied the Theme to Album2 I wanted to play with.
Album1 shows on the index page thumbnails in nice rows of about 5 images, for about 8 rows + 2 images (page 1 of 2 pages).
Album2 shows 2 thumbnails on row 1, about triple or more size than Album1's. then another couple on row 2 and sow on. Some are 1 thumbnail, some 3. None aligned in any manner.
Why would the same settings for the Theme not be carried over from Album1 to Album2? I opened 2 sessions of ZP Admin to check and in fact, Theme Options "Theme for : DefaultBoston `do not match`. I'd expect all the settings for the SAME Theme/SAME CSS to be the same from Album to Album.
This is what I'm uncertain of: When I use the identical Theme and the identical Theme_color (CSS file), what options should I expect to see the same when viewing the Theme Options tab?
I actually viewed Album1 settings and in another view Album2. Forced Album2 to be identical. Saved. It reverts back to different settings. Where else should I be checking? I'm not "blaming" ZP, it's just that my expectations was other than what I got, although exactly how ZP was intended to act.
Will send PDF shots of the Optons/Theme Options for both.
http://rbctravels.woodengems.com/sample/Album1: > these are the settings I want
http://rbctravels.woodengems.com/sample/Album2: > I tried to change to match the above and it says it Saves then reverts back to these!!!
NOTICE: On both, you wil see the faulty theme_color list box.
Any idea yet of why I can't make the two albums match?
Still don't have the theme_color box in Default theme so I can switch to light.css to play.
Deleted all extra CSS files from my DefaultBoston theme. "Active" is dark.css
Set Album2 to DefaultBoston. Set options for sizes to match Album1. COULD NOT SET CSS so assume it's dark.css.
View Album1 (Admin) thumbnails: Row 1: 5 images; Row 2: 2 images; Row 3-7: 5 images
View Album2 (Admin) thumbnails: Rows 1-6: 5 images; Row 7: 2 images
The difference between Album1 and Album2 is that in addition to Album2 containing all the images from Album1, it has duplicate images that contain Photoshop frames around the border. Unfortunately, I cannot determine which is which in thumbnail view only.
ON BOTH: thumbnails JUMP when "hover" with mouse -- from 5 thumbs on rows to 2 and back again.