When I saw the first time the effervescence_simpleviewer theme, I found that the random banner, extracting only a piece of an image, was a really good idea : you get a totally new picture every reload, sometimes you do not recognize the one it is extracted from... Excellent,
I use it for my Zenphoto gallery now. and this was done using customfonctions.php from that theme. Then you only need to add the following to index.php :
<?php printHeadingImage(getRandomImages()); ?>
Now I would like to do the same banner for my wordpress blog : I had a look yesterday, trying to add the effervescence_simpleviewer customfunction to my wordpress theme, then adding most of all zp-core files... ;-) ... then failed with a message such like "album not found". Then I read some posts here (I should have started here may be), and saw it was not something so easy to do.
My question is : what is the easiest way to achieve that ? There is a plugin named ZENpressed with a random function. Could it be feasible to mix that random function and the one from the plugin ? I believe using plugin may help from a numbers of potential problems...
Any suggestion would be nice.
I intergrated wordpress ala ruzee's method as I decribed also in this thread: http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=2484#post-14802
just did a try out putting the effervescence heading in my wordpress sidebar and it did work.
I did it this way.
I made a php file called heading.php in which I put the effervescence code as written below and then ftp this file to my zenphoto current theme directory.
in the wp-sidebar (or in your case header) I put this line:
`<?php include("http://www.yourdomain.com/zenphoto/?p=heading"); ?>`
and voila, a random effervescence heading image appeared on all the zenphoto pages in which I called the wp-sidebar.
content of heading.php
`<?php<br />
function printHeadingImage($randomImage) {
$id = getAlbumId();
if (is_null($randomImage) || checkforPassword(silent)) {
$randomImage= new Image(new Album(new Gallery(), ''), 'zen-logo.jpg' );
if (!is_null($randomImage)) {
echo '
$randomAlbum = $randomImage->getAlbum();
$randomAlt1 = $randomAlbum->getTitle();
if ($randomAlbum->getAlbumId() <> $id) {
$randomAlbum = $randomAlbum->getParent();
while (!is_null($randomAlbum) && ($randomAlbum->getAlbumId() <> $id)) {
$randomAlt1 = $randomAlbum->getTitle().":n".$randomAlt1;
$randomAlbum = $randomAlbum->getParent();
$randomImageURL = getURL($randomImage);
echo "
$randomImage->getCustomImage(NULL, 620, 180, 620, 180, NULL, NULL, !getOption('Watermark_head_image')).
"' width=620 height=180 alt=".'"'.
htmlspecialchars($randomAlt1, ENT_QUOTES).
":n".htmlspecialchars($randomImage->getTitle(), ENT_QUOTES).
'" />';
echo '
printHeadingImage(getRandomImages()); ?>`
Thanks a lot for your answer.
I did that on my local (Ubuntu) desktop :-) : creating the heading.php file in my zenphoto current theme directory (testing-dev), then inserting the "include" in my header.php (from my wordpress theme directory).
The include works, but I get the following error :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function checkforPassword() in /var/www/wordpress/zenphoto/themes/testing-dev/heading.php on line 4
When reading your post : does that mean I have to integrate Wordpress in zenphoto prior to do that ?
Sorry if my question is stupid, but I am a little bit lost.
I started adding the following to my wordpress header :
<?php<br />
define('ZENFOLDER', 'zp-core');
define('WEBPATH', '');
require_once(WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/template-functions.php");
But I got exactly the same error... and yesterday, i did a 'grep' through all files for that checkforPassword function without success.
As I was not using the last version (v1.1.2), I downloaded v1.1.5, and here it was : checkforPassword did not exist with my version !
Finaly, I don't even need to add the above code in the header. It works without it.
So I am VERY happy, I can go further customizing my new wordpress theme.
From all that and from what I read in this occasion, the idea to integrate either wordpress in Zenphoto or zenphoto into wordpress is something I discovered. There are so many things possible I should look at !
Thanks again for your support, Zenphoto is great !