it's normal?

hi evrey one
i tray to refresh the DB but is very laod?
and if i refresh the albums it's very laod too and my pc too is laod
i upload fictur from my ftp
any way that can refresh the member off new add pictur?
becous any time i add new pictur i should refresh all the albums


  • jlang Member
    laod isn't an English word. Do you mean loud or maybe slow? You shouldn't need to refresh the database with each image upload. If you attempt to browse the altered album/images, the images should be refreshed/cached as you go (which could be slow), but the second time you or anyone else looks at them, only the cached images/info will be served, which should be fast.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I guess the meant word is "load". Yosol, there is a difference between "db refresh" and "precaching"? Which do you mean? If "precaching" jlang is right about it.
  • yosol Member
    ok sorry for my bad english

    so if i want to pre_cache images it's very slow becous i add pictur by ftp
    i can add more then 100 or 500 pictur in dey i have more thene 12.ccc wallp
    so is i preècach de image i should wait more then one hour
    so i wana ask you if thes is is normal or just becous i upload lot pictur

    thank you secend time and the white word is slow not laod (laod from download) :)

  • jlang Member
    If the images are large, I would have expected that it would take longer to upload the images to your website over dial-up/ADSL than to generate and download the cached version.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yosol, if you upload hundreds of pictures a day that surely will take a lot of time. That would be indeed normal. But you do not have to precache all images since everytime a users visits an image first it will be cached. For that user it will take a little longer until he sees the image, but all following visitors don't since then the cached image will be used.
  • yosol Member
    ok thank you a lot for replay
    the help in zenphoto is the best
    i hopp more devlepement in the futur version

    thank you second time
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