Hello all.
I am trying to figure out where I should add a divider (visual break) after the subAlbum thumbnails 'end'... and where the album thumbnails begin. I'd also like to add some text describing which are actual image thumbs... and which are subAlbum thumbs. I assume the latter goes into the php page. I have used Firefox's Inspect Element tool to no avail.
Here's a sample page:
http://www.many-roads.com/galleries/Cartographic Documents/European Historical MapsI'd like a horizontal line to appear below the thumbs Historical Poland and The Baltics.
Any ideas or pointers are most appreciated.
I made a small set of edits in album.php
<div class="container">
<?php $c=0; while (next_album()): ?>
<div class="one-third column album">
<h4><?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?></h4>
<h5>SubAlbum</h5> <===New !!!!
" title="<?php echo gettext('View album:'); ?> <?php echo getBareAlbumTitle();?>">
<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getBareAlbumTitle(),null,420,200,420,200,null,null,'remove-attributes'); ?>
<div class="album-meta">
<ul class="taglist">
<li class="meta-date"><?php printAlbumDate(); ?>
<li class="meta-contents">
<?php if ( (getNumAlbums() > 0) && (getNumImages() > 0) ) { $divider='- '; } else { $divider=''; } ?>
<?php if (getNumAlbums() > 0) echo getNumAlbums().' '.gettext("subalbums"); ?>
<?php echo $divider; ?>
<?php if (getNumImages() > 0) echo getNumImages().' '.gettext("images"); ?>
<?php if (function_exists('printAddToFavorites')) { printAddToFavorites($_zp_current_album);} ?>
<p class="albumdesc"><?php echo strip_tags(truncate_string(getAlbumDesc(),80,'...')); ?></p>
<hr />
<?php $c++; if ($c==3) { echo '<br class="clear" />'; $c=0; } endwhile; ?>
<!-- Start Images -->
<hr/> <====New !!!
<h4>Album Images:</h4> <====New !!!
The changes begin at line 34.
I hope this helps someone.