Comments not visible


Someone left 2 comments on one of my photo, but If I'm not logged in (I have a single user with admin rights), the comments are not shown :

I'm using Zenphoto version 1.4.4-BETA [75d5f3d] (Debug build) and last zpMinimal theme release.

Do you see the comments ? What can prevent them from being displayed ?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Moderation, marked as spam for example.
  • Have you tried a distributed theme? It is quite possible for a theme to decide not to show comments to the "public".

    Beyond that, you have configured your comment handling to require a Captcha to be entered but have no Captcha plugin enabled, so you may want to either not require Captcha or enable a handler plugin.
  • Well ... I don't know exactly what fixes the problem, rebooting my server or adding the captcha handler, but now comments are correctly displayed all the time (logged in or not).

    Thanks for your answers :)
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